26 May 2024 to 1 June 2024
La Biodola - Isola d'Elba (Italy)
Europe/Rome timezone

Development of high performance μRGroove detectors

31 May 2024, 09:30
Sala Maria Luisa

Sala Maria Luisa

Oral T6 - Gas Detectors Gas Detectors - Oral session


Siqi He (University of Science and Technology of China)


We will present a new type of MPGD: micro-resistive groove (μRGroove). The μRGroove is a single-stage MPGD, it has the similar stack structure with μRWELL but a groove amplification pattern. The μRGroove is almost compatible with all the techniques developed for μRWELL, for example, it can be directly make the PEP fast grounding lines for high rate applications and the dead area is less than 2%. Benefit from the groove structures, the coper strips on top of groove can be directly used as the readout strips on one direction. By adding readout strips on the other direction under the bottom of groove, we can get a decoupled 2D readout strips without any charge-sharing problem. This kind of readout is able to provide much larger induce signal than the MPGDs using COMPASS readout when they have the same effective gas gain. In the application of large area tracking, low-capacitance design can be easily implemented into these decoupled readout strips to achieve higher S/N and improve the performance of the tracking system. Two 10cm×10cm μRGroove prototypes have already been produced and tested. Compared to μRWELL with the same size, the manufacture process of μRGroove is much simpler thus the cost is much lower,and it is very easy to clean due to the quite open groove-structures. The test of these prototypes show they are able to stably work at >10e4 gas gain for a long time and the spatial resolution of them are better than 90μm. New prototypes are now being produced in CERN PCB workshop, include a large size (50cm×50cm) μRGroove with 2D decoupled readout strips, and two cylindrical μRGroove demonstrators for Super Tau Charm Facility (STCF) inner tracker. The progress of these detectors will also be presented.

Collaboration DRD1 and RD51
Role of Submitter I am the presenter

Primary authors

Prof. Jianbei Liu (USTC) Dr Lunlin Shang (LICP) Prof. Ming Shao (USTC) Siqi He (University of Science and Technology of China) Mr Xiangqi Tian (USTC) Dr Yi Zhou (USTC) Dr Zhiyong Zhang (USTC) Dr Zhujun Fang (USTC)

Presentation materials