26 May 2024 to 1 June 2024
La Biodola - Isola d'Elba (Italy)
Europe/Rome timezone

IXPE Gas Pixel Detector characterization with the X-ray Calibration Facility

31 May 2024, 15:31
3h 49m
Sala Elena

Sala Elena

Poster T6 - Gas Detectors Gas Detectors - Poster session


Stefano Tugliani (Università di Torino / INFN)


The Imaging X-ray Polarimetry Explorer (IXPE) represents the current state-of-the-art of astrophysical X-ray polarimetry. This mission is a collaboration between NASA and ASI and it has been launched on 9 December 2021: it can measure the linear polarization of different astrophysical sources over the photon energy range 2-8 keV.

The core of IXPE Detector Unit and future X-ray polarimetry missions is the Gas Pixel Detector (GPD). It can be calibrated and characterized using the X-ray Calibration Facility (XCF), available at the Physics Department at the University of Turin. The XCF is a table-top, open-design irradiation setup for research: it offers beams of photons at different energies and with different spatial and polarization configurations. The radiation source can be chosen between a single-anode and a multi-anode X-ray tube and, in addition, the XCF can provide two beam-lines: one of them is linearly polarized through Bragg diffraction on a number of crystals that are selected to fulfil the Bragg condition at the primary beam energy. Both beams can be monitored and characterized using a Silicon Drift Detector and a CMOS ASI ZWO Camera, adapted to acquire X-ray spectra and display the beams.

Thanks to a handling system, the GPD can measure both the unpolarized and polarized beam: a comparison between these two signals provides a way to characterize the GPD itself. In addition, to study long-term variations of the GPD response, it is possible to use a $^{55}Fe$ radiative source.

Initially conceived as a calibration source to qualify GPDs, the XCF can satisfy evolving requirements to support R&D programs of innovative position-energy and polarization-sensitive X-ray detectors.

Role of Submitter I am the presenter

Primary author

Stefano Tugliani (Università di Torino / INFN)


Andrea Frassà (Università degli studi di Torino) Luca Latronico (Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare) Marco Aglietta (Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare) Nicolò Cibrario (Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare, Università degli studi di Torino) Raffaella Bonino (Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare, Università degli studi di Torino) Simone Maldera (Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare)

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