26 May 2024 to 1 June 2024
La Biodola - Isola d'Elba (Italy)
Europe/Rome timezone

Extending the Reach of the Mu2e Experiment through Developing Agnostic Track Reconstruction Algorithms

31 May 2024, 08:31
3h 59m
Sala Elena

Sala Elena

Poster T7 - Electronics and On-Detector Processing Electronics and On-Detector Processing - Poster session


Matthew Stortini (Yale University)


The Mu2e experiment plans to search for neutrinoless muon to electron
conversion in the field of a nucleus. Such a process violates lepton
flavor conservation. To perform this search, a muon beam is focused on
an aluminum target, the muons are stopped in the field of the aluminum
nucleus, and electrons emitted from subsequent muon decays in orbit
are measured. The endpoint energy for this process is 104.97 MeV; an
excess of measured electrons at this energy signifies neutrinoless
muon to electron conversion has occurred.Currently under construction
at the Fermilab Muon Campus, Mu2e will stop $10^{18}$ muons on target
in 3 years of running, with the goal of reaching a single event
sensitivity of #3\times10^{-17}$ on the branching ratio. In order to reach such a sensitivity, one must write software that efficiently reconstructs the tracks of conversion electrons that pass through the Mu2e tracker. This has been achieved by breaking the reconstruction process down into four successive steps: hit reconstruction, time clustering, helix finding, and a final track fitting. One shortcoming of the current code is that the time clustering and helix finding stages make various assumptions that make them highly tuned to conversion electrons at the endpoint energy. This limits the collaboration’s ability to constrain some backgrounds, and search for a larger range of physics. In addition to that, the trigger and data-acquisition (TDAQ) system makes an extensive use of online track reconstruction based on the same algorithms developed in the Offline software. The events are selected based on the decision of dedicated software filters. To match the Mu2e requirements, the trigger system needs to deliver a signal efficiency $>90\%$ and a processing time $\leq 5$~ms/event.

The work presented here details the development of agnostic track
reconstruction algorithms, and how they fit into the Mu2e trigger

Collaboration Mu2e
Role of Submitter I am the presenter

Primary authors

Gianantonio Pezzullo (Yale University) Matthew Stortini (Yale University)

Presentation materials