8–10 Nov 2023
Dipartimento di Architettura dell'Università Roma Tre
Europe/Rome timezone


The registration fees for WIFAI are:  

Until October 27th, 2023 (included), participation without social dinner: 100 €

Until October 27th, 2023 (included), participation with social dinner: 150 €

All payments must be made in advance within the registration deadline of October 27th 2023, in Euro (free of the bank charges for the recipient), either with a bank transfer or with credit card.

Exceptionally, late registrations may be accepted with an increased fee of 250 €

No fee reduction is possible, nor support can be provided.

No TVA (IVA) is imposed on this conference, so individual fee receipts can be directly refunded by your home institution.

Payment by Bank Transfer

Registration payment is now open.

The transfer must be addressed to: 
     +  Associazione Romana per le Astroparticelle  
     +  and drawn on: Unicredit, Ple. Aldo Moro 5, 00185 Roma.
     +  Banking coordinates for payments:
     +  IBAN: IT 34 X 02008 05227 000011607039
     +  Swift Code: UNCRITM1153

Please remember to include in the motivation of the bank transfer payment: 

     "Name, Surname" of the participant and "Fee for WIFAI-23".

Payment by Credit Card

Credit card payments can be made through the web-page: http://test.arap-astroparticelle.it/conferenze_attive.html

To complete your registration, please send by e-mail a copy of the payment (either via bank transfer or by credit card) to the Conference Secretariat: francesca.paolucci@uniroma3.it