Comparison of Synergistic and Single Modality Anatomically-Informed Structural Priors for Yttrium-90 PET and SPECT Reconstruction

22 May 2024, 18:10
La Biodola, Isola d'Elba

La Biodola, Isola d'Elba

Hotel Hermitage
Oral [Special track] Advanced reconstruction algorithms Special Track on Image reconstruction


Sam Porter (National Physical Laboratory & Institute of Nuclear Medicince, UCL)


This research presents a synergistic method for the combined reconstruction of PET/CT and SPECT/CT data, aimed at improving image quality for Selective Internal Radiotherapy (SIRT) in treating unresectable liver tumours using Yttrium-90 ($^{90}Y$) microspheres. Given the challenges posed by sparse positron emissions in PET and the wide energy spectrum and electron range of bremsstrahlung X-rays in SPECT, our method takes advantage of information shared between modalities during the reconstruction process. We used a smoothed directional total nuclear variation (dTNV) prior using anatomical information from a CT and reconstructed images using the block-sequential regularised expectation maximisation (BSREM) algorithm. Data used in this research involved a ($^{90}Y$)-filled NEMA phantom scanned by Mediso's AnyScan Triple Modality scanner. This technique was benchmarked against reconstructions using the channel-specific directional total variation prior, again using CT for anatomical information. Synergy yielded enhancements in image quality for both modalities, especially for SPECT reconstructions.

Field Software and quantification

Primary author

Sam Porter (National Physical Laboratory & Institute of Nuclear Medicince, UCL)


Dr Daniel Deidda (National Physical Laboratory) Prof. Kris Thielemans (Institute of Nuclear Medicince, UCL) Prof. Simon Arridge (Centre for Medical Image Computing, UCL)

Presentation materials