Call for Abstracts

  • Opening day
  • Submission deadline

The following tracks are open for submission:

2. Fast timing
3. Total body imaging
4. Next-gen clinical PET/CT
5. Next-gen MR
6. High-performance preclinical and organ-specific systems

For each topic, contributions in the following fields are encouraged:

  • Detectors and electronics
  • Software and quantification
  • Systems and applications

A special track is also available on advanced reconstruction algorithms, organised with the CCP SyneRBI project. Choose the "Software and quantification" field if you submit to this track.

Abstracts, with a maximum length of 1500 characters, must be submitted together with a 2-page summary of the work (main text, including title, authors, affiliation, figures, tables and references) to be uploaded in portable document format (PDF) using the "Attached files" feature of the submission system. We recommend using the template for Transactions Articles found under IEEE “Templates for Transactions” for the summary and not to include the abstract in it. Selected submissions will be invited to a special issue of IEEE Transactions on Radiation and Plasma Medical Sciences.

Each author must indicate the main track and contribution field of its submission. Submitted works should describe in English an original, previously unpublished work in an abstract plus an extended summary. The content of the summary will be a significant element of the review and selection process; thus, each author should ensure their summary properly describes the relevance of the research, the conclusions of the research, and the results submitted. Submissions without a summary will be rejected.

The deadline for submission has been extended to the 8th of March 2024. Late abstracts and abstracts without a summary will not be considered. Abstract acceptance will be notified by the 30th of March 2024.

We encourage you to submit and welcome you to participate in a meeting we expect to be valuable to all the attendees.

The call for abstracts is closed.