PhD student session
- Marco Bruni (University of Portsmouth)
In this talk, I am going to present our recent work where we derive a characteristic three-peaked GW signal within the framework of no-scale Supergravity, which arises as a low energy limit of superstring theory. We concentrate on the primordial gravitational wave (GW) spectrum induced due to second-order gravitational interactions by inflationary curvature perturbations as well as by...
Observations of gravitational waves (GWs) have opened up a new door to study the most energetic phenomena in our Universe. Among the variety of signals that we expect to observe with current and next generation of detectors, Primordial GW offer the exciting opportunity to explore the physics of the early Universe. They are generated from quantum vacuum fluctuations and come in the form of a...
In the hypothesis of primordial black holes constituting the dark matter, stars forming in dark matter dominated environments with low velocity dispersions, such as ultra-faint dwarf galaxies, may capture a primordial black hole at birth. The capture probability is non-negligible for primordial black holes of masses around $10^{20}$ g, and increases with the stellar mass. Moreover, infected...