17:00 - 17:15 : Coffee Break
17:15 - 17:40 :
1° Speaker: Andrea Sabatucci
Titolo: "Modeling nuclear dynamics in the age of multimessenger astrophysics"
Abstract: "A detailed description of the properties of dense matter in extreme conditions, as those within Neutron Star cores, is still an open problem, whose solution is hampered by both the lack of empirical data, and by the difficulties in developing a suitable theoretical framework for the microscopic nuclear dynamics in such regime. The detection of gravitational waves from the first observed coalescence of two neutron stars has opened the possibility to exploit gravitational waves as a new source of information to understand the behavior of nuclear matter. In this seminar I will present a pedagogical discussion about the microscopic description of nuclear matter and its relation to the observed properties of Neutron Stars. Finally we will see how to infer some constraints on the microscopic nuclear dynamics from astrophysical observations."
17:40 - 18:05:
2° Speaker: Filippo Liguori
Titolo: "Control of synthetic genetic circuits to program bacterial gene expression and behavior"
Abstract: "Biological noise poses some fundamental limits on the accuracy of bacterial genetic circuits, namely synthetic networks of interacting genes designed to program the time dynamics of protein production in bacteria. These shortcomings are observed even in very simple networks, with a small number of interacting genes. A notable example is the repressilator, a bacterial genetic oscillator composed of three mutually inhibiting repressor genes. Although this network has been further engineered to achieve smooth and robust oscillations, phase drifts lead to rapid de-synchronization of the population signal. In this talk, we discuss the design of controllers to genetic circuits, that can then be carried out using synthetic biology. We focus on the optogenetic control of repressilators to demonstrate the robust synchronization of a population of genetic oscillators by an external transient optical signal. We also discuss preliminary results of a control system for a circuit designed to achieve synchronized cycles of bacterial lysis for therapeutic delivery. Our results suggest that control systems can be integrated into synthetic gene networks to achieve greater precision. "