
INFN@Young: 7th event

by Elena Pompa Pacchi (INFN), Loris Del Grosso (INFN)

Aula Conversi (Dipartimento di Fisica)

Aula Conversi

Dipartimento di Fisica

17:00 - 17:15 : Coffee Break
17:15 - 17:40 : 
1° Speaker: Loris Del Grosso
Titolo: "Fermion soliton stars"

Abstract: "A real scalar field coupled to a fermion via a Yukawa term can evade no-go theorems preventing solitonic solutions. For the first time, we study this model within General Relativity without approximations, finding static and spherically symmetric solutions describing fermion soliton stars. The Yukawa coupling provides an effective mass for the fermions, which is key to the existence of self-gravitating solutions. I will present this novel family of star solutions and describe their mass-radius diagram and maximum compactness. Finally, I will discuss the ranges of the parameters of the fundamental theory in which the latter might have interesting astrophysical implications."
Abstract: "A detailed description of the properties of dense matter in extreme conditions, as those within Neutron Star cores, is still an open problem, whose solution is hampered by both the lack of empirical data, and by the difficulties in developing a suitable theoretical framework for the microscopic nuclear dynamics in such regime.  The detection of gravitational waves from the first observed coalescence of two neutron stars has opened the possibility to exploit gravitational waves as a new source of information to understand the behavior of nuclear matter. In this seminar I will present a pedagogical discussion about the microscopic description of nuclear matter and its relation to the observed properties of Neutron Stars. Finally we will see how to infer some constraints on the microscopic nuclear dynamics from astrophysical observations."
17:40 - 18:05: 

2° Speaker: Elena Pompa Pacchi

 Titolo: "Looking for dark photons with the ATLAS detector"
Abstract: "One of the most compelling Dark Matter hypotheses is that it constitutes a whole sector of new particles. This hypothesis has recently been investigated in various experiments. 
The minimal Dark Sector model foresees an interaction similar to the electromagnetic one, mediated by the so-called Dark Photon which is massive and decays into SM particles. 
So far, 11% of Higgs boson decays are unknown, leaving room for the possibility that it decays into Dark Sector particles. 
According to the dark photon decay time, different signatures may be produced in the LHC ATLAS detector, thus various searches that look for these different signatures are carried out."