23–27 Sept 2024
Hotel Villa Tuscolana
Europe/Rome timezone

Open-Source Radiative Modeling Tools for Extragalactic VHE Gamma-ray Sources

25 Sept 2024, 15:25
Sala Vanvitelli

Sala Vanvitelli


Andrea Tramacere (Astronomy Department of the University of Geneva,)


In the first part of this review, I will present the current state of open-source radiative modelling tools for the multiwavelength emission from extragalactic relativistic jets. I will highlight the features and the limitations of these tools related to the implementation of the different physical processes, and I will discuss the implications in terms of reproducibility, interoperability, maintainability, and overlapping, outlining the advisable routes for the near future. In the second part, I will focus on some of the most intriguing open questions in the understanding of the physics of extragalactic jets, in connection to their VHE spectral emission and optical/X-ray polarization, and I will discuss the requirements, for the development of the current tools, to advance our understanding.

Primary author

Andrea Tramacere (Astronomy Department of the University of Geneva,)

Presentation materials