Plenary Stefano Catani
- Massimiliano Grazzini (Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare)
The top quark plays a pivotal role in particle physics, providing a powerful tool to test the SM and physics beyond it. Indeed, its large mass, near the electroweak scale, enables a detailed scrutiny of its interactions with the Higgs and electroweak bosons. Although its total rate is only few percent of the dominant Higgs production mode via gluon fusion, the hadroproduction of a top--antitop...
We consider the most general factorisation properties of scattering amplitudes in perturbative QCD in both collinear and collinear-soft limits. While scattering amplitudes obey strict collinear factorisation (SCF) in the time-like collinear region to all perturbative orders, SCF is known to break in the so-called space-like region. We generalise previously known results of SCF breaking to more...
The artificial separation between loop and tree-level contributions is at the origin of many technical difficulties in quantum field theory at high perturbative orders. The original motivation for the loop-tree duality (LTD), as explained in the seminal paper by Stefano Catani, was to circumvent this separation by opening the loops to tree-level objects in such a way that both contributions...