Parallel - WG3
- Mary-Cruz Fouz Iglesias (CIEMAT)
- Giovanni Marchiori (APC Paris)
- Felix Sefkow
Parallel - WG3
- Giovanni Marchiori (APC Paris)
- Felix Sefkow
- Mary-Cruz Fouz Iglesias (CIEMAT)
Parallel - WG3
- Giovanni Marchiori (APC Paris)
- Felix Sefkow
- Mary-Cruz Fouz Iglesias (CIEMAT)
The future lepton collider experiments, e.g. the Circular Electron Positron Collider (CEPC), are aimed at the precise measurement of the Standard Model (SM) particles and the exploration of new physics. This imposes stringent requirement on the jet measurement. Therefore, a novel high granularity calorimetry system has been proposed. It contains a homogeneous crystal bar electromagnetic...
Calorimetry based on liquefied noble gases is a well proven technology that has been successfully applied in numerous high-energy physics experiments, such as DØ at the Tevatron, ATLAS at the LHC and NA62 at the SPS. In addition to extreme radiation hardness, noble liquid calorimeters provide excellent energy resolution, linearity, stability, uniformity and timing properties at a reasonable...
The technology of dual readout calorimetry, based on the simultaneous measurement of Cherenkov and scintillation light shows great potential for applications at Future Colliders.
Coupled with high-granularity designs, it allows to obtain excellent energy resolution for e.m. particles, and at the same time an event-by-event compensation of the electromagnetic and hadronic energy...
To study the physics potential of the detector concepts proposed for FCC-ee, a detailed simulation of detectors responses to visible particles is required. An essential component of the simulation process is the description of the detector components in terms of geometry, materials and sensitive parts. The future collider community agreed on using the DD4hep framework for their detector...
Recently, a concept for a Hybrid Asymmetric Linear Higgs Factory (HALHF) has been proposed, where a center-of-mass energy of 250 GeV is reached by colliding a plasma-wakefield accelerated electron beam of 500 GeV with a conventionally accelerated positron beam of about 30 GeV. While clearly facing R&D challenges, this concept bears the potential to be significantly cheaper than any other...
The Cool Copper Collider (C^3) is a proposed linear electron-positron linear collider operating at a center-of-mass energy of 250 GeV, upgradable to 550 GeV. A key aspect of evaluating the physics potential of any proposed Higgs factory is to quantify the effect of the various beam- and machine-induced backgrounds on the detector occupancy, and, ultimately, on the expected precision reach. In...
Along the path defined by the European Strategy for Particle Physics, an electron-positron Higgs factory is the highest priority next collider.
The FCC program at CERN combine in the same 100km infrastructure a high luminosity Higgs and Electroweak factory e collider, followed by a 100 TeV hadron collider. The IDEA project (Innovative Detector for an Electron–positron Accelerator), as a...
The IDEA drift chamber is designed to provide efficient tracking, a high-precision momentum measurement and excellent particle identification by exploiting the application of the cluster counting technique. To investigate the potential of the cluster counting techniques on physics events, a simulation of the ionization cluster generation is needed, therefore we developed algorithms that can...
The IDEA experiment muon systems (pre-shower and external tracking) require a large number of u-RWELL detectors. To keep the cost of the entire system affordable, an optimization of the readout electronics channel is needed. For this purpose, resolution studies as a function of the readout segmentation pitch and of the DLC resistivity have been performed.
From the 2021 beam test results, more...
The tracking system of the IDEA detector concept consists of different silicon detector subsystems: a vertex detector, an inner tracker and a silicon wrapper between the drift chamber and the calorimeters. Various technologies are being explored and optimized, depending on the physics and operating conditions of teh systems. The high-granularity and low-power ARCADIA prototypes have recently...
The detectors at future e+e- linear colliders will need unprecedented precision on Higgs physics measurements. These ambitious physics goals translate into very challenging detector requirements on tracking and calorimetry. High precision and low mass trackers, as well as highly granular calorimeters, will be critical for the success of the physics program. To develop the next generation of...
The performance of monolithic CMOS pixel sensors depends on their fabrication process and especially the feature size which directly drives the pixel size. A consortium led by the CERN EP R&D program, the ALICE experiment and various European projects (AIDAinnova, EURIZON) is investigating the benefits of a 65-nm CMOS imager process to design a new generation of pixel sensors. These...
We present the latest development for the FCC-ee interaction region and machine-detector interface (MDI). It represents a major challenge for the FCC-ee colliders, which has to achieve extremely high luminosity over a wide range of centre-of-mass energies. FCC-ee will host two or four high-precision experiments. The machine parameters have to be well controlled and the design of the...
The FCC-ee aims at unprecedented luminosities, to be able to study the Standard Model of particle physics with extreme precision. The vertex detector, located close to the beam pipe, plays a paramount importance in the precise reconstruction of the trajectories of the charged tracks.
In this contribution we will present the design of the IDEA vertex detector, as a result aiming to fulfil...