Getting to know Paestum

Paestum is an ancient city part of the "Magna Graecia", a name given by the Romans to collectively refer to the Greek settlements in southern Italy. The Romans were so fascinated by the greek culture that they embraced it fully and made it part of their own world view, from the art style, to scientific progress, and even to religion.

Paestum dates back to the sixth century B.C., and the ancient settlement was in the modern fraction of Capaccio. 

The temple area, the heart of the ancient city, can be still visited Archaeological site of Paestum and Velia.

Image by Pascal OHLMANN at Pixabay

Close by the park, one can visit the museum with multiple ancient manufacts, including the famous paintings found in the the Tomb of the Diver.


Paestum is part of the Cilento, the southern part of the Campania region, province of Salerno. Cilento and Vallo di Diano National Park, together with the Paestum Archaeological site, are part of Unesco's World Heritage sites. 

It is located at the northern edge of the beautiful Costiera Cilentana (Cilento Coast), ideeal for seaside trips, swimming, or sailing.