Parallel - WG1-SRCH
- Aleksander Filip Zarnecki (Faculty of Physics, University of Warsaw)
- Rebeca Gonzalez Suarez (IFCA - U. Oviedo)
- Roberto Franceschini (Rome 3 University)
Parallel - WG1-SRCH
- Rebeca Gonzalez Suarez (IFCA - U. Oviedo)
- Aleksander Filip Zarnecki (Faculty of Physics, University of Warsaw)
- Roberto Franceschini (Rome 3 University)
Scalars particles lighter than 90 GeV are predicted in various new physics scenarios. They can be produced via rare decays of the Z boson, together with a photon, offering an ideal discovery channel in e+e- colliders. I will present possible search strategies at the Tera-Z run of the FCC-ee, highlighting the complementarity with other colliders (HL-LHC) and the high-energy reach of such...
Future e$^+$e$^-$ colliders, thanks to their clean environment and triggerless operation, offer a unique opportunity to search for long-lived particles (LLPs) at sub-TeV energies. Considered in this contribution are promissing prospects for LLP searches offered by the International Large Detector (ILD), with a Time Projection Chamber (TPC) as the core of its tracking systems, providing almost...
We discuss the evidence for a Higgs boson with a mass of $\sim$ 95.4 GeV. We demonstrate the physics capabilities of a 250 GeV $e^+e^-$ collider in the analysis of such a light Higgs boson, making it the best physics case for such a future experiment
The physics program of the Higgs factory will focus on measurements of the 125 GeV Higgs boson, with the Higgs-strahlung process being the dominant production channel at 250 GeV. However, production of extra light scalars is still not excluded by the existing experimental data, provided their coupling to the gauge bosons is sufficiently suppressed. Fermion couplings of such a scalar could also...
Some say SUSY is dead
, because LHC has not discovered it yet. But is this
really true? It turns out that the story is more subtle. SUSY can be 'just
around the corner', even if no signs of it has been found and a closer
look is needed to quantify the impact of LHC limits and their implications
for future colliders. In this contribution, a study of prospects for SUSY
based on scanning...
The direct pair-production of the tau-lepton superpartner, stau, is one of the
most interesting channels to search for SUSY. First of all the stau is with high
probability the lightest of the scalar leptons. Secondly the signature of stau
pair production signal events is one of the most difficult ones, yielding the
'worst' and thus most general scenario for the searches.
The most...
Long-range angular particle correlations may serve as manifestations of physics beyond the Standard Model, such as Hidden Valley (HV) scenarios. We focus on QCD-like hidden sectors in which the production of HV matter on top of the QCD partonic cascade would enhance and enlarge azimuthal correlations of final-state particles. We study the observability of such signals at future $e^+e^-$...
In a class of theories, dark matter is explained by postulating the existence of a 'dark sector',
which interacts gravitationally with ordinary matter. If this dark sector contains a U(1) symmetry,
and a corresponding 'dark' photon ($A_{D}$) , it is natural to expect that this particle with kineticly mix
with the ordinary photon, and hence become a 'portal' through which the dark sector can...
Several indications for neutral scalars are observed at the LHC. One of them, a broad resonance peaked at about 650 GeV which we call H(650), was obtained by an outsider combining published histograms from ATLAS and CMS on ZZ →4ℓ searches, and this combination shows a local significance close to 4 s.d. Since then, CMS has reported two other indications at the same mass, with similar local...