There are no yet results on precision the CP violating Higgs mixing angle can be extracted in VBF at future Higgs factories. This is the first such study based on CP sensitive angular observable, using 1 ab-1 of simulated ILD data, at 1 TeV center of mass energy. The achievable experimental precision will be discussed in the light of goal sensitivity to 10% admixture of the CP-odd state.
The hadron collider phase of the Future Circular Collider (FCC-hh) is a proton-proton collider operating at a center-of-mass energy of 100 TeV. It is one of the most ambitious projects planned for the rest of this century and offers ample opportunities in the hunt for new physics, both through its direct detection reach as well as through indirect evidence from precision measurements....
Positron sources are the key elements for the future and current e-e+ collider projects, introducing challenging critical requirements for high intensity and low emittance beams in order to achieve high luminosity.
The conventional way to realize a e+ source consists in using a target with high atomic number Z hit by a high energy primary electron beam. Photons are produced by...