Michele Tammaro
(Jozef Stefan Institute)
In this talk, we assess the FCC-ee reach for $Z/h\to bs, cu$ decays as a function of jet tagging performance. Recent advances in $b$, $c$, and $s$ quark tagging coupled with novel statistical analysis techniques allow the FCC-ee to place phenomenologically relevant bounds on flavor violating Higgs and $Z$ decays to quarks. We also update the SM predictions for the corresponding branching ratios, as well as the indirect constraints on the flavor violating Higgs and $Z$ couplings to quarks. Using type III two Higgs doublet model as an example of beyond the standard model physics, we show that the searches for $h\to bs, cu$ decays at FCC-ee can probe new parameter space not excluded by indirect searches.
Primary author
Michele Tammaro
(Jozef Stefan Institute)