CLD layout and performance update

12 Oct 2023, 15:00
Sala Nettuno (Hotel Ariston, Paestum)

Sala Nettuno

Hotel Ariston, Paestum

Zoom link:


Andre Sailer


To realistically estimate the performance of future Higgs factory experiments, detailed studies based on full simulation and reconstruction are needed. The CLD detector model for FCCee is fully implemented in key4hep-based full simulation and comes with a complete reconstruction chain to perform studies from background estimates to sophisticated physics analyses. While a detailed performance estimate was published in the past, the design of the FCCee accelerator has been refined since, and certain detector adaptations have become necessary.
In this talk, we present the updated detector design and performance studies. Additionally, we provide an overview of the remaining work in the context of the FCC feasibility study and our plans for further optimization.

Primary authors

Andre Sailer Leonhard Reichenbach (CERN / University of Bonn)

Presentation materials