The Synchrotron SOLEIL, the French 3rd generation synchrotron light source, will be upgraded to a 4th generation ring, based on multi-bend achromat lattice to achieve a very low emittance electron beam (~80 pm.rad) and a much more brilliant and coherent synchrotron light source.
To achieve this and allow the filling and top-up operation of SOLEIL II new storage ring, the injector, made of a...
HOTNES (HOmogeneous Thermal NEutron Source) is a thermal neutron irradiation facility jointly developed by INFN and ENEA at the ENEA Frascati research center. HOTNES was designed as a user facility for multi-purpose thermal neutron testing and detector calibration.
HOTNES consists of a polyethylene assembly with dimensions of 70 cm x 70 cm in square section and 100 cm in height,...
Borated concretes are often selected as combined gamma-neutron shielding material for particle accelerators or nuclear plants. Accurate knowledge of the boron content in these materials is crucial for guaranteeing a realistic shielding design. Therefore, the concrete industry adopts specific QA/QC techniques, such as the prompt gamma activation analysis (PGAA), usually performed at research...
A new type of neutron monitor with extended energy range, called NECH, was recently put on the market. Its nominal properties are highly attractive for radiation protection around nuclear or particle accelerator facilities: it responds up to GeV with H*(10)-like curve, it is nearly isotropic, and its sensitivity is nearly double with respect to common commercial devices. The NECH was tested at...
Electronic personal dosemeters (EPD) are powerful tools for achieving ALARA (As Low As Reasonably Achievable) objectives in operational radiation protection. These offer real-time reading, time-resolved dose recording, alarm threshold settings and visible/audible alarms to prevent accidental exposures. EPD for photons are well developed and their performances usually comply with relevant...
NEUTRA is the thermal neutron imaging instrument coupled to the Swiss Spallation source SINQ. Successfully completing 25 years of operation, the NEUTRA 2.0 upgrade project has been approved. The upgrade to NEUTRA 2.0 foresees a complete reconstruction of the instrument including a redesign of the shielding bunker. The inner space of the measurement bunker will be enlarged, enabling complex...
The last nuclear power plants in Germany have been shut down in spring 2023 and are in the process of decommissioning. For this process, it is necessary to estimate the different waste quantities and qualities, e.g. between activated, contaminated and material which can be released for further use. Part of the contamination due to deposits of radioactive particles on the surface can be removed...
Advanced diagnostic imaging techniques like tomography have become indispensable within scientific experimentation in fields such as applied nuclear physics and studies of condensed matter. Multi-probe tomography represents a cutting-edge modality that utilizes a range of probes, spanning from keV to MeV X-rays, thermal to MeV neutrons, electrons, protons, and more. As these various probes...
The TS1 spallation target operated at ISIS between 2014 and 2019 for the production of neutrons by high energy protons (700-800 MeV) is made of 12 tungsten plates cladded with tantalum and water-cooled. Residual radioactive nuclei can be produced in the target either as a direct product of the spallation process or as a result of secondary low energy neutron absorption.
This work presents the...
The Proton Improvement Plan-II (PIP-II) at Fermilab represents a significant advancement in the quest to answer some of the most profound questions about our universe using the world's most intense high-energy neutrino beam. The project requires the construction of a new addition to the Fermilab accelerator complex โ an 800-MeV high-intensity superconducting linear accelerator. Ensuring the...
SPES (Selective Production of Exotic Species) is a second-generation ISOL facility for the production of Radioactive Ion Beams (RIBs), under completion stage at the Laboratori Nazionali di Legnaro of the Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare (LNL-INFN), Padua, Italy. The Isotope Separation On-Line (ISOL) technique is one of the most utilized methods for the production of high intensity and...
Radiation transport computations are an essential part of operating and maintaining an accelerator facility. However, these computations can be challenging because they require a significant amount of time and resources. Neutron transport analysis is an important computational requirement in heavy-ion facilities like the Facility of Rare Isotope Beams (FRIB) to support safe operation. At FRIB...
Shielding calculation software was developed to assist the regulatory body in shielding calculation verification for shielding thickness required in different medical radiological departments; radiation diagnosis, nuclear medicine, and radiation therapy. It is user-friendly, simple and fast. It was mainly used for verification and validation process. The calculated values calculated by the...
Non-metallic materials for 3D printing are of increasing interest for the realization of components operating in extreme radiation conditions, such as particle accelerators, nuclear facilities, medical field, space missions, and repositories for radioactive waste. For this reason, radiation effects on several categories of commercial printing materials must be evaluated.
Considering the...
Gamma dose rates in the Gy/h to kGy/h range can be found at particle accelerators in hot points such as targets, bending magnets or interaction points. As these points constitute "source terms" in shielding design, a device to correctly measure these doses is desirable. Although a number of passive dosimetry techniques have been established in the past, very few or no direct-reading dosimeters...
Dosimeters based on thermoluminescent materials are an optimal solution over an extended range of applications.This work has been motivated by the difficulty, in my country, to access industrial TLD dosimeters on the international market, and by the resulting need to develop solutions that rely on local available and possibly cheap materials, without missing the goal to reach a high...
Linear accelerators can be used for various applications including radiotherapy, cargo inspection, industrial radiography, research etc. In this work the X-ray collimation system and targets for the indigenously developed linear accelerators having various applications have been designed and simulated using Monte Carlo based codes Fluka and Geant4. For 6 MeV medical accelerator and cargo...
Plume dispersion into the atmosphere of radioactive cloud emitted by a source can be affected by the presence of buildings and obstacles modifying the velocity and the spatial distribution fields respect to the classical Gaussian Plume Model. The Gaussian Plume Model (GPM) is often used to assess the submersion dose resulting from an emission stack. The dispersion of the radioactive cloud is...
EuPRAXIA is the first European and world-wide project that develops a dedicated particle accelerator research infrastructure based on novel plasma acceleration concepts and laser technology. The project EuPRAXIA@SPARC_LAB, which will be built at the Frascati National Laboratories, aims at constructing a FEL radiation source based on RF linear accelerator combined with a plasma module. The...
The Radiation Source ELBE (โElectron Linac for high Brilliance and low Emittanceโ) is the largest and most versatile research instrument at the Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf near Dresden, Germany. A superconducting linear accelerator accelerates electrons to energies in the interval [5, 40] MeV at a beam current of up to 1 mA. Guiding the electron beam on suitable targets allows the...