!!! NEW !!!  Instructions for SATIF-16 proceedings

Deadline: Monday, 9 December 2024, 4:00 pm CEST time

Template(s) and Instructions: 


The 16th workshop on Shielding aspects of Accelerators, Targets and Irradiation Facilities (SATIF-16) will take place on May 28-31, 2024 at the National Laboratories of Frascati of the Italian National Institute for Nuclear Physics.

The SATIF workshop aim is to promote information exchange among experts in the fields of radiation physics and the application of ionizing radiations in different fields of science and technology. This series workshops are experts’ meetings addressing important aspects related to the modeling and design of accelerator shielding, including updates on new and emerging features of the computation tools including FLUKA, MARS, and PHITS, high resolution radiological assessments for large scale areas with automated run-time optimization for the simulation of deep penetration of radiation in shielding structures, machine learning driven design optimizations, and comprehensive benchmarking exercises. Main objectives of SATIF meetings are:

  • promoting the information exchange among experts in the field of accelerator shielding and related topics;
  • identifying areas where international cooperation can be fruitful;
  • creating task forces in order to achieve progress in specific priority areas.


SATIF workshops have been held once every two years since 1994, rotating between the US, Europe, and Asia. In addition to organizing these workshops the SATIF group also coordinates analysis and proposes action items.

Following the SATIF tradition, there is no registration fee for this event.   

A Zoom link will be provided for remote attendance of the workshop as a spectator only. The presentation of talks and posters will be reserved for in-person participation (special requests due to unexpected events will be reviewed by the Local Organizing Committee before the workshop). 

The activities of SATIF are jointly sponsored by the OECD Nuclear Energy Agency (NEAand its Nuclear Science Committee (NSC) and by all participating institutions.

Scientific Organizing Committee

Local Organizing Committee


Oliver Buss (NEA) 
Francesco Cerutti (CERN) 
Anna Ferrari (HZDR, Chair) 
Dali Georgobiani (FNAL) 
Tom Ginter (FRIB) 
Robert Grove (ORNL) 
Hideo Hirayama (KEK) 
Yosuke Iwamoto (JAEA) 
Hee-Seock Lee (PAL) 
Michael Mocko (LANL) 
Nikolai Mokhov (FNAL) 
Gunter Muhrer (ESS) 
Hiroshi Nakashima (Hokkaido University) 
Stefan Roesler (CERN) 
Sayed Rokni (SLAC) 
Marco Silari (CERN) 
Timothy Valentine (ORNL) 
Pedro Vaz (IST)



Federico Chiarelli

Raffaella Donghia 

Adolfo Esposito

Anna Ferrari

Bernardo Nese

Sara Reda (Webmaster) 

Laura Natoli (Secretariat)

Alessandra Tamborrino Orsini (Secretariat)