May 28 – 31, 2024
Europe/Rome timezone

SATIF-16 Proceedings




Proceedings of SATIF-16 will be published in the EPJ Web of Conferences after the peer-review process.

Deadline  for the submissionMon 9 December 2024  at 16:00 CET time


The used format is an A4 paper size, 2-columns format (final printed area 172 x 252 mm), and below you find the Microsoft Word or LaTeX template:

Word:    Download

LaTeX:  Download  (please select \documentclass[twocolumn]{webofc} in the file template.tex)

Instructions for authors

  • Recommended length of the contributions:  

  - up to 10 pages for the long, 30 minutes oral contributions                                          

 - up to 8 pages for all other oral contributions                                       

 - up to 4 pages for the poster contributions (and at least 3 pages) 

  • Articles must be submitted on PDF format. As indicated, the proceedings are done with two-columns format and the provided Word or LaTeX template must be used. Please, submit the PDF version and be sure that it meets the provided PDF guidelines.
  •  Please follow the provided style guidelines: this adherence will be checked by the reviewers, and deviations must be corrected by the authors... please help us to speed up the process.
  • Print the provided copyright form, fill it out, and scan the completed signed form. Alternatively, you can use a PDF editor: be sure in this case the the signature is included. Send the completed copyright form together with your articles. Below you can read more about copyright.
  • Send your documents to


The copyright is retained by the author(s) under the creative Commons Attribution license, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided that the original work is properly cited.


Download the copyright form:

Policy on re-use

Conference papers may be updated, or enhanced, for further publication as a regular journal article, included submission to journals not published by EDP Sciences. Journal articles derived from work previously published in conference proceedings must contain a substantial amount of new or previously unpublished results. To enable informed decisions by journals