Session 2 - Code status, development and model converters
- Session Chair Hideo Hirayama
Session 2 - Code status, development and model converters
- Session Chair Hideo Hirayama
Session 2 - Code status, development and model converters
- Session Chair Francesco Cerutti
In this contribution, a selection of recent and ongoing FLUKA developments of relevance for various applications is presented, along with an update on the deployed strategy to ensure the long-term development and maintenance of the codebase.
The FLUKA v4 point-wise treatment of neutron interactions below 20 MeV is reviewed, emphasizing recently implemented physics and technical...
At the Los Alamos Neutron Science Center (LANSCE), we are exploring the application of Unstructured Mesh (UM) MCNP methodologies for various computational challenges, including the enhancement of shielding calculations. We work with a complex and detailed Target-Moderator-Reflector-Shielding (TMRS) geometry. Our analysis evaluates the impact of UM granularity on computation time and the...
The Second Target Station (STS) at Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL) Spallation Neutron Source is designed to become the highest peak-brightness source of cold neutrons in the world. A preliminary design of the STS consists of a rotating tungsten spallation target driven by a short-pulsed 1.3-GeV, 700-kW proton beam and two coupled parahydrogen neutron moderators at 20 K surrounded with a...
The Facility for Rare Isotope Beams (FRIB) has recently started operation and is gradually increasing its beam power towards the final design goal of 400 kW. Radiation Transport (RT) calculations contribute to ensuring safe power ramp up and operation of FRIB for science experiments. Understanding the accuracy of the RT simulation predictions for the wide range of radiation scenarios present...
The status of the FLUKA code and many important physics developments occurred after SATIF15 will be presented.
The FLUKA photonuclear interaction models as developed in the 90’s by A.Fassò were a breakthrough for the community. Nowadays new data and better theoretical understanding allow for a better and more complete description of photonuclear interactions. Therefore the FLUKA...
Since the inception of the Linac Coherent Light Source (LCLS) at SLAC in 2009, significant advances in multidisciplinary science have been achieved with hard X-ray Free Electron Lasers (FELs). In such facilities, a low emittance electron beam from a linac goes through an array of undulators, where bright and coherent light is generated via self-amplified synchrotron emission. The next...
This report describes major features of the most recent version of MARS code as well as ongoing developments.
In addition to a basic CSG geometry, the CERN ROOT geometry package is used. The latter is especially effective for complex geometry models with in-depth volume hierarchies. For accelerator applications, a beam line builder based on MADX is very helpful. In this case, a corresponding...
The multipurpose, multifaceted methodical nuclear data libraries coded by TALYS & databases, TEFAL, TASMAN as the Evaluated Nuclear Data Library TENDL has now been released every other year recently. Considerable experience has been acquired during the production years of global repetitive seven incident particles (neutron, proton, deuteron, triton, alpha, helium and gamma induced)...
The SCK CEN in-house ALEPH2 depletion code is designed to combine the Monte Carlo codes (MCNP or PHITS) for spectral calculations with the advanced depletion module realizing RADAU5 implicit Runge-Kutta algorithm for evolution calculations. The versatility of the code allows using it for time behavior simulation of various systems ranging from one single pin model to full-scale models of...
The design and safety assessment of nuclear installations and experimental setups are nowadays backed by accurate simulations, performed by dedicated numerical methods capable of representing the relevant physics involved. More specifically, the plethora of phenomena that come into play in these facilities should be analyzed from both the microscopic point of view, which in turn is related to...
INCL is one of the intranuclear cascade codes that is still being developed and implemented in particle transport codes. It was last presented at a SATIF workshop in 2010. Since then, INCL has been updated and in this presentation, we propose to show the latest developments and perspectives.
The new capabilities of INCL are linked to the extension of the energy range, new projectiles and the...