Neutron ambient dose equivalent measurements at the CERN Shielding Benchmark Facility (CSBF) platform

Not scheduled
Auditorium B. Touschek (INFN-LNF)

Auditorium B. Touschek


Oral presentation (preferred) Code benchmarking and intercomparison Session 3 - Code benchmarking and intercomparison


Marco Tisi (CERN)


The CERN Shielding Benchmark Facility (CSBF) is an installation embedded in the shielding structure of the CERN High Energy Accelerator Mixed field facility (CHARM), located in the East Experimental Area. At CHARM, the 24 GeV/c primary proton beam from the Proton Synchrotron is sent on one out of three possible targets to produce the desired secondary radiation field. The CSBF was specifically designed to allow for deep shielding penetration studies and characterization of material shielding properties. It was initially designed in 2013/2014 and further upgraded to its current layout during an extended year-end technical stop at the beginning of 2016. One of the currently available CSBF shielding configurations features a 1.2 m x 1.6 m measurement platform, shielded by 80 cm of iron and 320 cm of concrete, suitable for irradiations of active and passive detectors with deep shielding equilibrium neutron spectra.
During one week in 2022, measurements have been performed in several locations of the CSBF platform, employing a combination of various beam intensities, ranging from 2E11 to 6E11 protons/spill, and two of the available CHARM targets. Different active neutron ambient dose equivalent monitors, commonly used at CERN for radiation protection purposes, have been employed, and the measurement results were compared with the results of FLUKA Monte Carlo simulations. This activity is part of the experimental characterization of the neutron field available at the CSBF platform and allows for a comparison with the neutron field provided by the CERN-EU high energy Reference Field facility (CERF).

Scientific Topic 3 Code benchmarking and intercomparison
Scientific Topic 4 Shielding and dosimetry

Primary author

Marco Tisi (CERN)


Arnaud Devienne (Fusion for Energy) Davide Bozzato (CERN) Dr Fabio Pozzi (CERN) Dr Markus Widorski (CERN) Robert Froeschl (CERN)

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