Call for Abstracts

  • Giorno di apertura
  • Scadenza invio candidature

The SATIF-16 workshop welcomes both oral and poster presentations. In the abstract submission, please mark your preference for the presentation and select the topic category. It is important to note that oral presentations will be selected by the Scientific Organizing Committee, so there is potential you may not be selected for an oral presentation.

The abstract submission is now open!
Abstract's deadline (NEW!): extended to March 27th, 2024
NEW! The acceptance will be notified to the authors within April 15th, 2024. The registration to the workshop has been therefore extended to April 20th, 2024

The abstract should be shorter than one page. Additionally, it is important to select a topic (track) for the abstract. Please note:

Contribution titles and presenters will be listed on the workshop’s public website.
Organizers may choose to post abstracts on the public website – please let us know if this is problematic for your contribution.

La call for abstract è chiusa.