22–26 May 2023
Loano 2 Village
Europe/Rome timezone

Sponsor HUAWEI TECHNOLOGIES: Innovative Data Foundation, Build Intelligent Data Lake For Scientific Research

25 May 2023, 15:15
Sala Portofino (Loano 2 Village)

Sala Portofino

Loano 2 Village

Presentazione orale Servizi ICT


Mr Li Yafei (Huawei Technologies)


As we all know, The High-luminosity Large Hadron Collider (HL-LHC) is the next phase of LHC, HL-LHC project aims to crank up the performance of the LHC in order to increase the potential for discoveries after 2029.

With the rapid growth of data volume and event complexity, LHC experiments face greater computing resources and storage demands. For example, the future storage demand may be five times higher than now. With such expectations, in particular considering that the system will start to manage Exabytes (instead of Petabytes) of data, it becomes clear that storage and computing system must need innovative solutions to meet these challenges.

Huawei, the world leader in ICT infrastructure, presents here an overview of solution and technologies to address the challenges of data flow in cross-domain data centers. With the presentation, you will learn about the technical challenges faced by data flow across data centers, Huawei GFS solution, especially the innovative technologies of the solution.

Presentation materials