The LUX-ZEPLIN (LZ) experiment is a multi-tonne dark matter direct detection experiment operating 4850 feet underground at the Sanford Underground Research Facility in Lead, South Dakota. At the heart of LZ is a liquid xenon time projection chamber (TPC) with an active mass of 7 tonnes that will search for the low energy signatures from interactions with WIMP dark matter in our galactic halo...
The axion is a hypothetical particle resulting from the PQ mechanism that resolves the strong CP problem, and is one of the strong candidates for dark matter. The cavity haloscope is a highly sensitive method for detecting dark matter axions. The Center for Axion and Precision Physics Research of the Institute for Basic Science (IBS-CAPP) has recently developed various detector designs...
TeV blazars, ubiquitous in the extragalactic gamma-ray sky, produce pair beams that inverse-Compton cascades into GeV gamma rays. However, the non-observation of such cascades indicates that non-thermal energy loss processes such as interactions with heavy axion-like particles (ALPs) can play a role in alleviating this GeV-TeV tension, in addition to space plasma instabilities that drain...
Compactification in string theory generally gives rise to a large number of pseudoscalar, Axion Like Particles (ALPs). Remaining agnostic to the exact form of the resulting Lagrangian, we consider an $N \in [2, 30]$ axion model for which ALPs are mass mixed in the interaction basis. As a consequence, and akin to neutrinos, we find the ALPs flavours to oscillate amongst themselves during...
The Broadband Radiometric Axion Search (BRASS-p) prototype is a state-of-the-art radio telescope with exceptional sensitivity for searching WISPy dark matter within the 12-18 GHz mass range. Its analog receiver provides dual polarization sensitivity at low system temperature, and the digital backend of BRASS-p delivers high resolution ($\frac{\delta \nu}{\nu} = 10^{-8}$) over the broadband...
In this talk I will characterize the unexplored sensitivity of current and future neutrino experiments to an axion burst from a galactic SN. In particular I will focus on water Cherenkov detectors like Super- and Hyper-Kamiokande showing that axion interactions with oxygen nuclei in the detector can give an observable gamma-ray signal. This possibility would open a new way to detect axions in...
We derive the isotropic birefringence (all-sky rotation of linear polarization) of the cosmic microwave background (CMB) sourced by axion-like particles (ALPs) or ‘axion’ dark matter. We find distinct birefringence signals for oscillating ultra-light axions at recombination as well as from local dark matter. Using Planck upper limits while incorporating allowed axion fractions of dark...
A radiative decaying big bang relic with a mass at the eV scale, which we dub “blue axion,” can be probed with direct and indirect observations of the cosmic optical background (COB). The strongest bounds on blue-axion cold dark matter come from the Hubble Space Telescope (HST) measurements of COB anisotropies at 606 nm. We suggest that new HST measurements at higher frequencies (336 nm and...
Dark matter (DM) consisting of weakly interacting massive particles (WIMPs) self-annihilates into baryonic matter and provides a possibility for indirect detection. We observe dwarf spheroidal galaxies (dSph) because they are rich in DM but baryonic emissions are low. In the magnetic field of dSph, the particles produced in DM self-annihilation emit synchrotron radiation which peaks at low...
Weakly Interacting Massive Particles (WIMPs) are among the best-motivated dark matter candidates. In the standard scenario where the freeze-out happens well after the end of inflationary reheating, they are in tension with severe experimental constraints. Here, we investigate the thermal freeze-out of WIMPs occurring during reheating, while the inflaton $\phi$ coherently oscillates in a...
Understanding of the production of axions from global string decays in the early universe is indispensable for the precise estimation of the relic axion abundance and for a sharp prediction of the axion dark matter mass. In this contribution, we present the state-of-the-art results on the analysis of the spectrum of dark matter axions radiated by strings based on the large scale numerical...
We study the imprints of a cosmological redshift-dependent pseudoscalar field on the rotation of cosmic microwave background.
We show how either phenomenological or theoretically motivated redshift dependence of the pseudoscalar field, such as those in models of Early Dark Energy, Quintessence or axion-like dark matter, lead to CMB polarization and temperature-polarization power spectra which...
Axion-like particles or generalized pseudoscalar singlets are ubiquitous in BSM. Studying the evolution of their interactions with the SM is therefore of utmost importance.
I will discuss this interplay based on the derivation of the full set of renormalization group equations of the complete singlet EFT at one-loop accuracy, including shift-breaking and CP-violating interactions, and...
The Any Light Particle Search II (ALPS II) experiment searches for axions and axion-like particles (ALPs) in an important parameter space that is relevant in understanding anomalous astrophysical phenomena, including stellar evolution. ALPS II takes advantage of the axion coupling to photons using a resonantly enhanced Light-Shining-through-a-Wall (LSW) technique. Photons created using a...
It is well known in cosmology that the history of the Universe undergoes a period of quasi exponential expansion. The fluctuations of the inflaton field are believed to have a quantum origin, however the CMB sky we observe today is classical. Therefore the questions whether the initial perturbations have a quantum or classical origin and how to discriminate them arise. Actually inflation...
Dark Matter searches utilizing single-photon and phonon excitations have been broadly accepted as effective methods of harnessing the miniscule energies transferred from Ultra-light and Light Dark Matter. Qubits are highly sensitive to sub-eV energy phonons and photons which make them a compelling detection technology for light and Ultralight Dark Matter. We will discuss the potential of this...
We present a first combined theory prediction for the distribution of axion-photon couplings for non-minimal DFSZ and KSVZ models. Couplings of DFSZ models with more than one additional Higgs doublet are comparable to the non-minimal KSVZ literature values. They extend over a large range of parameters, reaching values up to almost three orders of magnitude larger than the ones observed in...
The Peccei-Quinn solution to the strong CP problem has a problematic aspect: it relies on a global U(1) symmetry which, although broken at low energy by the QCD anomaly, must be an extremely good symmetry of high-energy physics. This issue is known as the Peccei-Quinn quality problem. We propose a model where the Peccei-Quinn symmetry arises accidentally and is respected up to high-dimensional...
The Global Network of Optical Magnetometers for Exotic physics searches (GNOME) [1] uses precise atomic spin-based sensors (magnetometers and comagnetometers) to search for ultralight dark matter (e.g., axions and axion-like particles). GNOME searches for the global exotic spin perturbations that could be simultaneously observed in distant laboratories. It was recently proposed to use GNOME to...
The electric dipole moment of the electron (eEDM) is a sensitive probe for new physics beyond the Standard Model that can also provide indirect evidence for the existence of dark matter. We propose an experiment to measure the eEDM using diatomic polar molecules (BaF) embedded in a cryogenic matrix of parahydrogen. By exploiting the large internal molecular field available in BaF molecules and...
The search for dark matter axions is an ongoing challenge for modern physics, and conventional searches typically involve the use of external magnetic fields to detect axions. However, these experiments are not sensitive to the axion-photon couplings $g_{aAB}$ and $g_{aBB}$ predicted in scenarios based upon modified Quantum-Electromagnetodynamics. We propose here a novel approach to search for...
We present a new theory to predict dark matter (DM) particle mass, size, lifetime, and properties of possible dark radiation from DM particle decay. In self-gravitating collisionless dark matter, the existence of inverse mass and energy cascade from small to large scales facilitates the hierarchical structure formation. A scale-independent constant rate of energy cascade...
The \textbf{Ma}gnetized \textbf{D}isk and \textbf{M}irror \textbf{A}xion e\textbf{X}periment is a dielectric haloscope that aims to search for axionic dark matter. It utilizes a stack of movable dielectric disks, called a booster, to enhance the weak axion signal. The unique design enables a highly tunable resonator at frequencies inaccessible to traditional cavity haloscopes. However, the...
In the WISP search, the broad coverage of the mass region is crucial because we know neither dark matter mass nor coupling to standard model particles. In particular, many Axion or dark photon experiments search the conversion photon signal in radio wave range (O(1 GHz) - O(100 GHz)), and the signal is expected to be observed as a narrow peak. Therefore, ideal specifications of the...
We present constraints on Axion-Like Particles using very-high-energy gamma-ray data from the MAGIC telescopes in the direction of the Perseus Galaxy Cluster. Axion is envisioned and theorized as a solution to the Strong CP problem of the Standard Model. As a generalization of the axion, axion-like particles are introduced. Depending on the specifics of their production mechanisms in the Early...
The Main AXion Experiment (MAX) of the center for axion and precision physics research (CAPP) has achieved the DFSZ sensitivity in axion dark matter search by employing cutting-edge technology. The ultra-light cavity (ULC) of the experiment has a total weight of less than 5kg, even with a volume of 37 liters, and can achieve cavity temperatures below 30mK due to the use of a 0.5mm thick...
I will discuss minimal gauge extensions of the Standard Model where a new sector is predicted from the cancellation of gauge anomalies. As part of this new sector, there is a dark matter candidate and new sources of CP violation. I will discuss the dark matter phenomenology and the prediction of large electric dipole moments for the electron and the neutron.
Axion-like particles (ALPs) are a class of hypothetical bosons beyond the standard model of particle physis, which are very weakly-interacting and long-lived. Since many ALPs may be produced in hot plasma in supernovae (SNe), a nearby SNe Ia can be used as a probe of ALPs. It is desirable to predict the ALP emission from SNe Ia to discuss a possible constraint that can be obtained from the...
We report R&D progress, as well as first dark photon search results with BREAD - a novel dish antenna for broadband ~$\mu$eV-eV wave-dark matter detection, which allows to utilize state-of-the-art high-field solenoidal magnets. Axions are converted non-resonantly to photons on a cylindrical metallic wall parallel to an external magnetic field. These photons are then focused using a novel...
We employ finite temperature QFT techniques to calculate corrections to g-2 of the electron in the presence of axion-like particles as a local dark matter background. The precise measurements of g-2 allows us to put competitive constraints on the axion-electron coupling.
Abstract: Axion-like particles (ALPs) are very light neutral spin-zero bosons predicted by superstring theory and primarily interacting with two photons. In the presence of an external magnetic field they give rise to two effects: (i) photon-ALP oscillations, (ii) change of the photon polarization state. The former effect produces a modification of the photon transparency and irregularities in...
Axions are a well-motivated theoretical particle that solve the Strong CP problem of quantum chromodynamics. The properties of the axion make it a compelling dark matter candidate. The Axion Dark Matter eXperiment (ADMX) searches for axion dark matter within the local Milky Way halo using an axion haloscope. This presentation will discuss results from the most recent run of ADMX which searched...
The Dark Matter (DM) puzzle is one the major topics of modern physics. Several astrophysical and cosmological observations suggest that DM makes the vast majority of the mass of the Universe but, to date, its elementary properties remain unknown. In addition to gravity, DM could interact with ordinary matter through a new force, mediated by a new vector boson (Dark Photon, Heavy Photon or...
In this talk I will revise the current astrophysical bounds on axions ranging from
energy-loss in stellar systems (globular clusters, supernovae) and from photon-axion
conversions in cosmic magnetic fields.
We present results from a first experimental demonstration of a tunable thin-shell axion haloscope, as proposed in [JCAP02(2021)018]. This novel geometry decouples the overall volume of the haloscope from its resonant frequency, thereby evading the steep sensitivity degradation in scaled high-frequency haloscopes. An aluminum 4 L pathfinder (designed for 6.8-8.2 GHz) has been fabricated and...
Ultralight axion-like particles are well-motivated dark matter candidates which can feature topological defects. If Earth encounters such structures, a global pattern of transient signals would be detectable with terrestrial experiments. Here, we report the analysis of three months of data from the Global Network of Optical Magnetometers for Exotic physics searches (GNOME). The data collected...
The axion is one of the most compelling dark matter (DM) candidates and a solution to the strong charge-parity problem. DMRadio-50L is a resonant lumped-element detector with a toroidal magnet searching for axions in the range 5 kHz - 5 MHz (20 peV - 20 neV) with a target sensitivity to axion-photon-photon coupling $5 \times 10^{-15}$ GeV$^{-1}$. DMRadio-50L also acts as an innovation platform...
Lighter than expected QCD axions can get destabilized in sufficiently dense and large objects such as white dwarfs and neutron stars. Once the axion is sourced the mass of nucleons within the star is reduced, leading to a new ground state of nuclear matter. I will show that white dwarfs in this absolutely stable phase would look very different from what is observed, allowing to set novel and...
The Cosmic axion Background (CaB), a relativistic background of axions that is not dark matter, could be produced in the late Universe from the decay of another dark matter candidate.
In this talk, we show the first result of the direct search for CaB performed with the axion haloscope, the Axion Dark Matter eXperiment.
Conventional haloscope analyses search for a signal with a narrow...
Direct dark matter detection experiments aim to observe interactions between dark matter particles and ordinary matter, in order to identify and study this elusive substance that makes up a significant fraction of the mass of the Universe.
Weakly interacting massive particles (WIMPs) are among the most popular dark matter candidates. In this talk, we will discuss the current status of...
DMRadio searches for QCD axions over a broad mass (frequency) range: 0.4neV to 0.8ueV (0.1MHz to 200MHz), with sensitivity down to the DFSZ model. To achieve this ambitious goal, DMRadio includes three axion detection experiments: DMRadio-50L is under construction and will begin operation in early 2024. It consists of a toroidal magnet with a superconducting sheath and solenoidal resonator...
The Low-Energy Frontier of Particle Physics [1] provided a well motivated case for physics
at the subelectronvolt scale that inspired the design and realization of several experiments
within the reach of small and medium laboratories.
At the National Laboratories of Frascati [2] (LNF), the interest in the dark sector first started
at the KLOE experiment [3] with the search of light...
The XENONnT detector is currently running at the Gran Sasso underground laboratories and has recently set a new limit on direct WIMP search. The performances of this new detector and the recent results will be discussed. The near future perspectives for WIMP search and the sensitivity to other fundamental science channels (solar axions, ALPs, anomalous neutrino magnetic moment, solar...
The dark photon emerges as an additional gauge boson in a U(1) Standard Model extension and is coupled to the ordinary photon via kinetic mixing. To investigate the energy band from 6-8 eV, where photons are highly absorbent due to molecular oxygen with an absorption length on the order of cm at atmospheric pressure, we developed the Ultraviolet Range Initiated photons from Dark-photons in...
The Any Light Particle Search II (ALPS II) is a light-shining-through-a-wall (LSW) experiment located at DESY in Hamburg, Germany, that is searching for axions and axion-like particles in the mass range below 0.1 meV. LSW experiments take advantage of the potential interaction between axions and two photons by shining a laser through a region of high magnetic field. This creates an axion field...
Dark photon dark matter (DP-DM) is one of the dark matter candidates. The DP-DM is theoretically predicted to have a weak coupling χ to ordinary photons. This results in the emission of the conversion photon at the electromagnetic boundary such as a metal surface when the DP-DM passes through.
The DOSUE-RR (Dark-photon dark-matter Observing System for Un-Explored Radio-Range) is a series of...
WISP Searches on a Fiber Interferometer (WISPFI) is a novel tabletop experiment using interferometric techniques applied to photonic crystal fibers searching for a resonant photon-axion conversion. It is independent of the local dark matter density which can highly reduce the sensitivity of axion experiments and could as well be the reason behind the null results of dark matter searches so...
We introduce a systematic way to calculate the spectral sensitivity of an electromagnetic axion dark matter haloscope, so instrument comparison may be achieved independent of signal assumptions and only depends on the axion to signal transduction sensitivity and noise in the instrument [1]. Furthermore, it has been shown that electromagnetic axion haloscopes have proportional sensitivity to...
If the PQ symmetry is broken after inflation then the QCD axion mass that gives rise to the observed dark matter (DM) abundance can in principle be calculated precisely. In practice it remains a computational challenge to accurately predict the DM contribution from nonlinear features of the PQ field such as axion strings, which introduce a large hierarchy of scales between their width and the...
The QUaerere AXion (i.e. QUest for AXions, in short QUAX) experiment is an haloscope-based galactic axion search effort aiming to probe theoretically-relevant axion-photon couplings in the 8.5-11 GHz frequency window.
This frequency range will be covered by two haloscope setups, located at LNL- and LNF-INFN laboratories in Italy respectively. In this talk we will focus on the recent results...
We present here the first results of Dark SRF, a light-shining-through-wall (LSW) experiment that leverages ultra-high quality factor superconducting radio frequency (SRF) cavities to search for dark photons. The use of Nb SRF cavities combined with a strict calibration and measurement protocol increased sensitivity to dark photons by several orders of magnitude compared to other LSW...
The upcoming helioscope experiment IAXO is sensitive to realistic QCD axion models, making it one of the most exciting future axion searches. Indeed, in case of a discovery, IAXO may even determine the axion mass in the multi-meV range and allow us to study solar metallicities, magnetic fields, and distinguish different solar or axion models.
This talk further explores that scenario. In...
We shall discuss the 5.49 MeV solar axions flux produced in the $p(d,$ $\!\! ^3{\rm He})a$ reaction and analyze the potential to detect it with the forthcoming large underground neutrino oscillation experiment Jiangmen Underground Neutrino Observatory (JUNO). In doing so, we will consider axions through various processes such as Compton and inverse Primakoff conversion, as well as through...
Exact discrete symmetries, if non-linearly realized, can reduce the ultraviolet sensitivity of a given theory. The scalars stemming from spontaneous symmetry breaking are massive without breaking the discrete symmetry, and those masses are protected from divergent quadratic corrections. This is in contrast to non-linearly realized continuous symmetries. In this talk we use invariant theory to...
We present new results of a room temperature resonant AC haloscope, which searches for axions via photon upconversion. Traditional haloscopes require a strong applied DC magnetic background field surrounding the haloscope cavity resonator, the resonant frequency of which is limited by available bore dimensions. UPLOAD, the UPconversion Low-Noise Oscillator Axion Detection experiment, replaces...
Superradiance in black holes is reasonably well-understood but superradiance in stars has received comparatively little attention. This is surprising given the ease with which we can observe isolated neutron stars and the array of signatures which would result from stellar superradiance. I will discuss the opportunities and challenges of stellar superradiance for detecting axions and other...
Infall of cold dark matter on a galaxy may result in caustic rings where the particle density is enhanced. They may be searched
for as features in the galactic rotation curves. Previous studies suggested the evidence for these caustic rings with universal, that is
common for different galaxies, parameters. Here we test this hypothesis with a large independent set of rotation curves by...