Jul 3 – 7, 2023
Europe/Rome timezone

Ultra-light cavities for CAPP-MAX

Jul 3, 2023, 6:35 PM


University of Rijeka, Rijeka, Croatia


Ohjoon Kwon (Institute for Basic Science / Center for Axions and Precision Physics research)


The Main AXion Experiment (MAX) of the center for axion and precision physics research (CAPP) has achieved the DFSZ sensitivity in axion dark matter search by employing cutting-edge technology. The ultra-light cavity (ULC) of the experiment has a total weight of less than 5kg, even with a volume of 37 liters, and can achieve cavity temperatures below 30mK due to the use of a 0.5mm thick Oxygen-Free High-thermal Conductivity (OFHC) copper sheet for the cavity body and frequency tuning rod. CAPP has been gradually applying its advanced High-Temperature Superconducting (HTS) cavity fabrication techniques to the production of ULCs in order to expand the axion search range in CAPP-MAX. First, a cavity with a Q factor averaging 150k was produced by attaching HTS tape to the side of the tuning rod, and axion search experiments are currently underway at 1.18-1.53GHz. Next, a cavity with a Q factor of over 10^6 will be produced by internally coating the ULC with HTS tape, allowing for even better sensitivity in searching for axions at >1.5GHz compared to the DFSZ.

Primary authors

HeeSu Byun (Center for Axion and Precision Physics Research of Institute for Basic Science) Hyunkyu Kim (KAIST, IBS-CAPP) Ohjoon Kwon (Institute for Basic Science / Center for Axions and Precision Physics research) Woohyun Chung (IBS-CAPP)

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