1–7 Sept 2023
EMFCSC (Erice, Italy)
Europe/Rome timezone

Opportunities for SRF Cavities in the ADMX-EFR Project

3 Sept 2023, 09:10
EMFCSC (Erice, Italy)

EMFCSC (Erice, Italy)

Via Guarnotta, 26 - 91016 ERICE (Sicily) - Italy The conference will take place at the San Domenico Institute in the Dirac Lecture Hall: Piazzetta S. Domenico, 1, 91016 Erice TP: ttps://goo.gl/maps/VRnvpsRqLdvj2AfE6


Gianpaolo Carosi (Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory)


The axion is a hypothetical particle that may solve two problems in particle physics & cosmology, the Strong-CP problem and the nature of dark matter. The Axion Dark Matter Experiment (ADMX), which started at LLNL in the mid-1990s, is the DOE Flagship search for these particles. The experiment uses tunable resonant cavities in a large static magnetic field to enhance the conversion of axions to detectable microwaves. Quantum-limited amplifiers based on superconducting Josephson Junction circuits are critical to allow the search to be sensitive enough to rapidly scan the frequencies where the axion may exist. Here I will describe the detection strategy of ADMX along with outlining the next phase of the experiment dubbed ADMX-Extended Frequency Range (ADMX-EFR) which aims to cover 2-4 GHz in frequency range at below DFSZ sensitivity. I will discuss the opportunities that strong B-field tolerant high Q SRF cavities will allow for ADMX-EFR anticipated sensitivity.

Presentation materials