11–15 Sept 2023
Europe/Rome timezone

General dark matter electron interactions in graphene

14 Sept 2023, 15:00
Room alpha

Room alpha

Direct DM searches DDM: Direct DM searches


Einar Urdshals (Chalmers Technical University)


We employ a non-relativistic effective theory to model dark matter (DM) induced electron ejections from graphene and carbon nanotubes (CNTs), materials currently in the R&D phase for direct detection experiments. The material properties of graphene are modelled using Density Functional Theory, and we obtain observable ejection rates for arbitrary forms of scalar and spin-1/2 DM. We show how the anisotropy of graphene and CNTs cause a strong daily modulation in the rate of electron ejections, a smoking gun signal for DM. We project 3 sigma discovery potential of such a daily modulation pattern, as well as expected exclusion bounds in the case of no observed daily modulation.

Primary author

Einar Urdshals (Chalmers Technical University)

Presentation materials