11–15 Sept 2023
Europe/Rome timezone

Fee Payment

The conference fee of Euro 350 includes social dinner on Thursday Sept. 14, and coffee breaks from Monday 11 through Friday 15. Every extra participant at the social dinner costs Euro 120. PhD students are eligible to request a fee waiver during the Registration process, at this stage we are however not able to guarantee that it will be granted. 

Fee Payment instructions   
(Please read carefully before taking action.)   
We prefer bank transfers as a form of payment for the conference fee.  
Credit card payment is also accepted, instructions follow below. 

If you have registered and now want to pay, please transfer the amount of Euro 350 (please make sure that the recipient receives this amount, and that bank charges if any are not payed by the recipient) to: 

BANK: Unicredit Banca   
ADDRESS: via Filangieri 52 - 80121 Napoli (Italy)   
IBAN: IT14B0200803466000103134213 

indicating in the motivation of transfer:   
"First Name"  "Family Name"  "TeVPA23 conference fee"   
(for instance, for Fabio Iocco that would be: "Fabio Iocco TeVPA23 conference fee")   

If you wish to pay by credit card (which we however do not prefer, so use this method only if you must) please follow the instructions contained in this form.

Please also send a proof of payment to the email address: info@studiocongress.it

If you are employed from an Italian University/Institution please fill and send this form.