11–15 Sept 2023
Europe/Rome timezone

The Compton Spectrometer and Imager (COSI)

14 Sept 2023, 18:00
Room gamma

Room gamma

Gamma Ray Astronomy GRA: Gamma Ray Astronomy


Dr Hiroki Yoneda (Julius Maximilians Universität Würzburg)


The Compton Spectrometer and Imager (COSI) is a Small Explorer satellite mission selected by NASA and scheduled to launch in 2027. COSI employs a novel Compton telescope consisting of a compact array of cross-strip germanium detectors. Owing to its wide field-of-view and excellent energy resolution, COSI will achieve an unprecedented sensitivity in the MeV range, especially for gamma-ray emission lines in the 0.2-5 MeV energy band. In this talk, I will provide an overview of the instrumental design of COSI and its four key science goals, the origin of Galactic positrons, nucleosynthesis in the Galaxy, polarization studies of gamma-ray bursts, and multi-messenger astrophysics. Also, I will present the current status of the project and the publicly-available data challenges released every year.

Primary author

Dr Hiroki Yoneda (Julius Maximilians Universität Würzburg)


Dr Andreas Zoglauer (University of California, Berkeley) Dr Dieter Hartmann (Clemson University) Dr John Tomsick (University of California, Berkeley) the COSI Science Team

Presentation materials