11–15 Sept 2023
Europe/Rome timezone

Correlations between X-rays and TeV gamma-rays in HBL Blazars.

13 Sept 2023, 15:00
Room gamma

Room gamma

Gamma Ray Astronomy GRA: Gamma Ray Astronomy


Rodrigo Sacahui (Universidad de San Carlos de Guatemala)


Observational studies have revealed correlations between the fluxes of X-rays and TeV gamma-rays in blazars, particularly in the context of the leptonic Synchrotron Self-Compton (SSC) model. The HBL blazar Mrk 421 exhibits a linear correlation between these two energy ranges, although it breaks down at the highest gamma-ray fluxes, suggesting the involvement of additional mechanisms like hadronic and lepto-hadronic contributions. Understanding the strength of the correlation between X-rays and gamma-rays can provide insights into the relative contributions of the leptonic and hadronic mechanisms responsible for the gamma-ray emission in blazars. In this study, we extend the analysis to four HBL blazars: Mrk 501, 1ES 1959+650, PKS 2155-304, and 1ES 2344+514, utilizing gamma-ray data from ground-based Imaging Atmospheric Cherenkov Telescopes and X-ray data from satellite observations. Our analysis reveals flux correlations described by a power law function with indices ranging from 1 to 2, similar to the observed correlation in Mrk 421. However, a deviation from the correlation is also observed at high-energy gamma-ray fluxes, emphasizing the complexity of the emission region in blazars and highlighting the need for further investigation. This research was supported by the UNAM-PAPIIT project number IG101323 and the Gestiona I+D 02-2021 project of the Secretaria Nacional de Ciencia y Tecnología de Guatemala (SENACyT).

Primary author

Rodrigo Sacahui (Universidad de San Carlos de Guatemala)


Maria Magdalena Gonzalez (Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico) Ms Mabel Osorio (Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México)

Presentation materials