11–15 set 2023
Europe/Rome fuso orario

IceCube Search for High Energy Neutrino Emission from X-ray Bright Seyfert Galaxies

14 set 2023, 14:30
Room beta

Room beta

Gravitational Waves & MultiMessenger GWMM: Gravitational Waves & MultiMessenger


Shiqi Yu


Recently IceCube observed TeV neutrino emission from the nearby Seyfert type-II Galaxy, NGC 1068, which suggests that AGN could potentially be one type of source of the diffuse high-energy astrophysical neutrino flux. Disk-corona models, which predict neutrino emission using the observed keV X-rays luminosity from the Seyfert galaxies, are employed to search for similar sources. In this presentation, using 10 years of IceCube track events, we report on the IceCube search for neutrino emission from these Seyfert galaxies.

Autore principale


Ali Kheirandish (Pennsylvania State University) Hans Niederhausen (Technical University of Munich) Qinrui Liu (Queen's University)

Materiali di presentazione