Piergiorgio Picozza
28/11/2011, 14:30
Tutorial lecture
Cosmological observations are giving us a coherent picture of the Universe dominated by dark matter and dark energy. There are increasingly convincing evidences that non-baryonic dark matter is the building block of all structures in the Universe. The favorite candidates for the non-baryonic component are neutral weakly interacting massive particles (WIMP’s) with a mass in the range between...
marco tardocchi
28/11/2011, 15:15
Tutorial lecture
In magnetically confined plasmas suprathermal ions can drive instability associated to the shear Alfvén wave. These instabilities have been observed in several machines worldwide and are the subject of dedicated theoretical and experimental investigations because of the threat they constitute for the confinement of α particles in a burning deuterium-tritium plasma. Alfvén waves have a peculiar...
Göran Ericsson
(Uppsala University, Dept. Physics & Astronomy)
28/11/2011, 16:30
Invited oral presentation
Neutron spectroscopy has proven to be a versatile method for probing the state of plasmas (fuel) used in fusion energy research. Therefore, it is likely that the next generation fusion experimental reactors, like ITER, will be equipped with a suit of neutron spectrometers. Parameters like fuel ion temperature, fuel ion non-thermal energy distribution, fuel ion density, fusion power, etc. can...
Bruno Guerard
28/11/2011, 17:00
Invited oral presentation
3He is often used as the neutron convertor for detectors in neutron scattering science, but this gas has become rare and very expensive since 2008. The growing lack of Large Area Neutron Detectors becoming a major concern in most of the research neutron institutes, the development of techniques based on alternative convertors is of the highest priority. 10B is another popular neutron convertor...
Richard Hall-Wilton
(European Spallation Source ESS AB)
28/11/2011, 17:30
Invited oral presentation
Beam monitoring is vital for current particle accelerators. High currents and/or energy of the beams transported means that they have a high potential for damage from several mechanisms: radiation dose, single event upsets, electronic or even physical damage. Examples of the various aspects that this might take on are the subject of this contribution. Throughout this presentation, a few of...
Danilo Pacella
(EFDA, Garching)
28/11/2011, 18:00
Invited oral presentation
A triple Gas Electron Multiplier (GEM) detector has been built and characterized, in a collaboration between ENEA, INFN and CEA to develop a soft X ray imaging diagnostic for magnetic fusion plasmas. It has an active area of 10x10 cm2, 128 pixels and electronics in counting mode. Since burning plasma experiments will have a very large background of radiation, this prototype has been tested...
Jean-Éric Ducret
(IRFU/Service d'Astrophysique & CELIA)
28/11/2011, 18:30
Invited oral presentation
A new era of plasma science started with the first experiments on the National Ignition Facility (NIF) in the US and will be soon followed by the Laser Mégajoule (LMJ) in France.
Such facilities, whose one of the objectives is to reach the ignition by imploding deuterium-tritium targets using high-energy laser beams, will provide a unique tool not only for ICF physics but also for basic...