23–25 Jan 2023
University of Pisa
Europe/Rome timezone

Fermion soliton stars

23 Jan 2023, 12:20
Aula Magna 'Fratelli Pontecorvo' (University of Pisa)

Aula Magna 'Fratelli Pontecorvo'

University of Pisa

Polo Fibonacci Building E Largo B. Pontecorvo 3 56127 Pisa


Loris Del Grosso (La Sapienza University of Rome)


A real scalar field coupled to a fermion via a Yukawa term can evade no-go theorems preventing solitonic solutions. For the first time, we study this model within General Relativity without approximations, finding static and spherically symmetric solutions describing fermion soliton stars. The Yukawa coupling provides an effective mass for the fermions, which is key to the existence of self-gravitating solutions. I will present this novel family of star solutions and describe their mass-radius diagram and maximum compactness. Besides, I will discuss the ranges of the parameters of the fundamental theory in which the latter might have interesting astrophysical implications. Finally, I will highlight how these results may hint towards the existence of classical gravitational solitons in the standard model.

Faculty position

PhD student

Topic Field Gravity

Primary author

Loris Del Grosso (La Sapienza University of Rome)


Paolo Pani (Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare) Alfredo Leonardo Urbano (Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare) Gabriele Franciolini (Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare)

Presentation materials