This edition of the Italian Society of General Relativity and Gravitation (SIGRAV) International School aims to provide robust and broad knowledge of different quantum aspects of gravitational theory and their implications for black hole physics and cosmology as well as their possible observational/experimental tests. The School organizes the following lectures:
Pillar courses:
Quantum Gravity applied to Black Holes:
Black hole in String Theory
Lecturer: Jan De Boer (University of Amsterdam, Amsterdam, The Netherlands)
- Quantum gravitational aspects of black holes
Lecturer: Daniele Pranzetti (Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics, Ontario, Canada)
Quantum Gravity applied to Cosmology:
String Cosmology
Lecturer: Robert Brandenberger (McGill University, Montréal, Canada)
- Quantum Cosmology
Lecturer: Slava Mukhanov (Ludwig Maximilians Universität (LMU), München, Germany)
Monographic courses:
Foundational Issues in Quantum Gravity
Lecturer: Daniele Oriti (Arnold Sommerfeld Center for Theoretical Physics, München, Germany)
Gravitational physics of Quantum Objects
Lecturer: Flaminia Giacomini (Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics, Ontario, Canada)
Analogue/Emergent Gravity
Lecturer: Silke Weinfurtner (The University of Nottingham, United Kindom)
Quantum Gravity Phenomenology
Lecturer: Astrid Eichhorn (University of Southern Denmark, Odense, Denmark)
Introduction to AdS/CFT correspondence
Lecturer: Alberto Zaffaroni (University of Milan Bicocca, Italy)
- The School is intended for PhD students and young post-docs. In order to receive the certificate of participation, all lectures and seminars should be attended.
- The Participation Fee (350 €) guarantee the access to all courses and activities, including lunch and coffee breaks.
- A reduced participation fee (50 €) is available for those which will be only able to attend the lectures remotely.
- The room should be booked in the Lloyd's Baia Hotel. Please, reserve your room by using the form available in the section "Practical Info - Accomodation and Transport ".
- The deadline for registration is 31 January 2023, albeit you can postpone the payment of the relative fee up to the 03 February 2023 (see Registration section).