6–7 Dec 2022
Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche, p.zzale Aldo Moro, Roma
Europe/Rome timezone

Open Science and the European Initiative on Reforming Research Assessment.

7 Dec 2022, 09:05
Sala Marconi (Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche, p.zzale Aldo Moro, Roma)

Sala Marconi

Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche, p.zzale Aldo Moro, Roma


Francesca Di Donato (CNR-ILC)


The contribution aims at presenting the main elements of the European Initiative on Reforming Research Assessment, and its connections with, and implications for the adoption of Open Science practices.

Francesca Di Donato is a researcher at the Institute of Computational Linguistics “A. Zampolli ”(ILC) of the CNR. She has a PhD in the History of Political Philosophy, and her research has focused on scientific communication, Open Access and Open Science for more than 15 years. Francesca is a member of the CO-OPERAS Go-FAIR Implementation Network and the ICDI Competence Center on EOSC. Francesca is also a member of the EOSC Association Task Force on Research careers, recognition and credit, and of the G7 Open Science Working Group, Sub-group on Research assessment and incentives. From February to July 2022 Francesca was part of the core group consisting of 20 institutions that drafted the Agreement on Reforming Research Assessment.

Presentation materials