Koji Arai
(California Institute of Technology)
"Mariner: The Cryogenic Upgrade of the 40m Prototype Interferometer"
LIGO Caltech operates a 40m prototype interferometer to validate interferometer technologies. Mariner is a prototype project of the 40m interferometer to be a prototype of Voyager, which is the cryogenic version of the LIGO interferometers. The Mariner interferometer employs cryogenic silicon test masses and a 2$\mu$m laser. This presentation will discuss the technical details of the Mariner interferometer.
Primary author
Koji Arai
(California Institute of Technology)
Rana Adhikari
(California Institute of Technology)
Stephen Appert
(California Institute of Technology)
Radhika Bhatt
(California Institute of Technology)
Aidan Brooks
(California Institute of Technology)
Francisco Salces-Carcoba
(California Institute of Technology)
Michael Laxen
(California Institute of Technology)
Yuta Michimura
(California Institute of Technology)
Jancarlo Sanchez
(California Institute of Technology)
Brett Shapiro
(Johns Hopkins APL)
Christopher Wipf
(California Institute of Technology)