The workshop aims at covering work currently being done on GW detectors in view of the next and future observations with current infrastructures, as well as studies and Research and Development for observatories planned for the next decade. This edition emphasizes the low frequency detection band, a challenge for current detectors which may become crucial for the future. Two poster sessions are planned to allow informal discussion.
For contribution submission the following subjects have been identified, matching the sessions in the program.
Perspective for GW observation
Reviews on scientific potential of upgraded current interferometers and future observatories
O5 and Post O5
ObsPO5 -
GW observatories
Current detectors and prototypes
Current detectors and planned upgrades. Work on prototypes.
O4 Commissioning
CurCom -
O5 and Post O5 plans
CurPO5 -
Prototypes for R&D
Coating thermal noise
CoaTN -
Low Frequency Noise
Mitigation of noise at low frequency
Low Frequency Sensing and Control
LFSen -
Low Frequency Modeling, AI use
LFModSeismic isolation suspension modeling, integration with controls and sensing. Novel control methods, use of Artificial Intelligence.
Thermal effects
Thermal effects on interferometer performance.
Thermal effects in interferometry and squeezing
ThItf -
Thermal effects simulation
Next observatories infrastructures
Infra -
Site characterization
InfCha -
InfCryCryogenics for observatories
Moon and Space
High Frequency detection
HFDetDetection in the kHz band and beyond.
Beyond 3G
Bey3GIdeas and concepts for squeezing, other optical configurations, applications to quantum sensing and information processing.
OthContributions not entering in other tracks.