Katarzyna Hadynska-Klek
(University of Warsaw)
30/06/2011, 11:10
The Coulomb excitation experiment to study electromagnetic properties of low-lying states in 42Ca with a focus on a presumably superdeformed band was performed at the Laboratori Nazionali di Legnaro in Italy using the γ - ray spectrometer AGATA Demonstrator coupled to the DANTE charged particle detector array. Current status of the data analysis will be presented.
Corinne Louchart
(CEA Saclay, Service de Physique nucléaire)
30/06/2011, 11:27
Radioactive nuclei provide unique opportunities to investigate the nuclear-structure properties as a function of isospin. This work is focused on the region of neutron-rich nuclei at about N=40 and the development of collectivity towards N=50. 68Ni presents a large E(2+) and a small transition probability B(E2), signs of a shell closure. However, recent experiments point towards a rapid...
Maria Doncel
(University of Salamanca)
30/06/2011, 11:44
In this work, we present the preliminary results obtained in the experiment of “Lifetime Measurements in Neutron-rich Cu isotopes” performed at Laboratori Nazionali di Legnaro (Italy) in June 2010. The aim of the experiment has been to measure lifetime of excited states in neutron-rich nuclei in the region of 78Ni, in particular Ni and Cu isotopes, using the recoil distance Doppler shift...
Zsolt Podolyak
(University of Surrey)
30/06/2011, 12:01
A deep-inelastic reaction experiment with a 136Xe beam impinging on a 208Pb target was performed. Gamma rays were detected with the AGATA demonstrator. The beam-like fragments were identified with the PRISMA spectrometer on even-by-event basis. The DANTE heavy ion detector array was also used, with the aim of increasing the overall statistics of the reaction.
Doppler corrected gamma-ray...
Víctor Modamio
30/06/2011, 12:18
In the region right below the neutron-rich Ni isotopes, there is an increase of collectivity produced mainly by the monopole part of the tensor interaction of the nuclear force: the interaction between f{7/2} protons and both f{5/2} neutrons (attractive) and g{9/2} neutrons (repulsive) weakens when the proton f{7/2} orbital is not fully filled, and therefore the gap between the neutron...