26–30 Jun 2011
Centro Culturale Altinate, Padova, Italy
Europe/Rome timezone

Coulomb excitation of the <sup>42</sup>Ca with AGATA Demonstrator.

30 Jun 2011, 11:10
Sala Polivalente (Centro Culturale Altinate, Padova, Italy)

Sala Polivalente

Centro Culturale Altinate, Padova, Italy

Via Altinate 71 Padova Italy


Katarzyna Hadynska-Klek (University of Warsaw)


The Coulomb excitation experiment to study electromagnetic properties of low-lying states in 42Ca with a focus on a presumably superdeformed band was performed at the Laboratori Nazionali di Legnaro in Italy using the γ - ray spectrometer AGATA Demonstrator coupled to the DANTE charged particle detector array. Current status of the data analysis will be presented.

Primary author

Katarzyna Hadynska-Klek (University of Warsaw)

Presentation materials