Menekse Senyigit
(Ankara University)
30/06/2011, 17:00
A test experiment was performed at LNL (Padova) with four AGATA Triple cluster (ATC) detectors and a 60 kBq 252Cf source placed at a distance of about 50 cm from the ATC:s. Gamma rays from the spontaneous fission decays were measured by 16 HELENA BaF2 detectors which were used for hardware triggering and as a time reference for the time-of-flight (TOF) measurement. The aim of the experiment...
Rosanna Depalo
30/06/2011, 17:17
The results from the lifetime measurement of the first 3/2+ state in 15O are
discussed. This state corresponds to a sub-threshold resonance in the 14N(p,γ)15O
reaction, the slowest one of the CNO cycle. The accurate determination of the
width of this resonance is of paramount importance in the evaluation of the
astrophysical factor and the derived cross section [1]. For this purpose,...
Florent HAAS
(IPHC Strasbourg)
30/06/2011, 17:34
A. Goasduff1,2 , S. Courtin1,2, F. Haas1,2, G. Duchêne1,2, F. Didierjean 1,2, G. de Angelis3, J.J. Valiente-Dobòn3, A. Gottardo3, D. Montanari3, D.R. Napoli3, A. Pipidis3, E. Sahin3, R. Chapman4, J.F. Smith4, A. Andreyev4, D. Mengoni4, K. Spohr4, A. Gadea5, T. Huyuk5,D. Verney6, F. Ibrahim6,A. Dewald7, Th. Pissulla7, W. Rother7, M. Hackstein7, C. Fransen7,O. Moeller8, S. Lunardi9, D....