Pieter Doornenbal
In the Radioactive Isotope Beam Factory (RIBF) stable primary beams
of energies up to 345 MeV/nucleon are used to produce radioactive isotope
beams via in-flight separation with the BigRIPS fragment separator.
For gamma-ray spectroscopy experiments these radioactive
beams are either incident on a secondary target for in-beam experiments or
stopped to measure isomeric or beta-delayed gamma-emission.
In my presentation I will report on the results obtained from the first
gamma-ray spectroscopy experiments performed at the RIBF. For stopped-beam
experiments neutron-rich nuclei in the mass region A=110 were investigated
after fission of a 238U primary beam. In this mass region, shape
transitions around the Zr isotopes were studied. The first in-beam
gamma-ray experiments targeted the "Island of Inversion", a region in
which the standard ordering of shells is disturbed
by neutron intruder configuration across the N=20 shell gap.
Besides showing the results from these first experiments an outlook on future
gamma-ray spectroscopy campaigns at the RIBF will be given.
Primary author
Pieter Doornenbal