Frederic Nowacki
(Institut Pluridisciplinaire Hubert Curien, Strasbourg)
New trends in nuclear structure focus on the evolution of the
spherical mean-field all over the nuclear chart. In a shell model
context, occurence of magic numbers or development of regions of
deformation result as a delicate balance between the monopole field
and the residual correlations.
We will illustrate the interplay between spherical shell gaps and
deformation quadrupole correlations in several regions of the chart
of nuclides. We will focus on the transitions from sphericity
to deformation in neutron rich system at N=20 and N=40 and discuss
the nature of strong correlations in proton rich systems at the N=Z
line. In particular, the isoscalar versus isovector nature of correlations
in paladium, cadmium and xenon self-conjugate systems will be discussed.
Primary author
Frederic Nowacki
(Institut Pluridisciplinaire Hubert Curien, Strasbourg)