25–27 May 2011
Rettorato, University Roma TRE, Roma, Italy
Europe/Rome timezone
Welcome to the RICAP-2011 registration procedure

Search for Dark Matter Candidate with the ATLAS detector

25 May 2011, 17:25
Rettorato, University Roma TRE, Roma, Italy

Rettorato, University Roma TRE, Roma, Italy

Viale Ostiense 159 00148, Roma Italy Room: Aula Magna


Marie-Helene Genest (LMU Munich)


Supersymmetry is one of the more appealing theory beyond the Standard Model, and provides a natural Dark matter candidate. First ATLAS searches for signals of Supersymmetry in proton-proton collisions at the LHC will be reported. These searches are performed in various channels containing different lepton and jet multiplicities in the final states; the full data sample recorded in the 2010 LHC run, corresponding to an integrated luminosity of 35 pb-1, has been analysed.

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