Development of Kinetic Inductance TWPAs with DARTWARS

5 Oct 2022, 11:30
Sala Stringa (FBK (Trento, Italy))

Sala Stringa

FBK (Trento, Italy)

Via Sommarive, 18, 38123 Povo TN
ORAL Talks


Dr Marco Faverzani (Università & INFN Milano - Bicocca)


In the landscape of superconducting Traveling Wave Parametric Amplifiers, an interesting approach is represented by devices based on the non-linearity of kinetic inductance of superconducting films. In particular, the employment of lumped element artificial transmission lines promises to deliver a parametric amplification over a wide bandwidth along with a high dynamic range, while limiting the gain ripple. In this contribution I will report on the development of a KI-TWPA within the DARTWARS project.

Primary author

Dr Marco Faverzani (Università & INFN Milano - Bicocca)

Presentation materials