Season 4 Episode 2 PhD Seminar

Aula Rasetti (VEF) and Zoom

Aula Rasetti (VEF) and Zoom


18th meeting of physics PhD seminar series

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Passcode: 385588

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    • 18:00 18:20
      Quasi-normal modes of spinning black holes in Einstein-dilaton Gauss-Bonnet gravity 20m

      General Relativity (GR) has passed many different tests with flying colours, however the strong-field, large-curvature regime of the theory still needs thorough testing.
      A promising tool to test gravity in this case is the measurement of characteristic oscillations of perturbed black holes, called quasi-normal modes, during binary black hole coalescence.
      If deviations from GR are observed in these oscillations, comparing them with predictions from modified gravity theories could provide useful information on the nature of the deviation.
      In this talk, I will present a first step towards this goal and show how the quasi-normal mode spectrum is modified in one of the simplest extensions of GR, Einstein-dilaton Gauss-Bonnet gravity.

      Speakers: Lorenzo Pierini (Università La Sapienza), Lorenzo Pierini
    • 18:20 18:30
      Dicussion 10m
    • 18:30 18:50
      Secure Communication with Semiconductor Nanostructures 20m

      Secure data transfer has always been a desirable good. Advancements in technology, however, threaten our current classical communication system. One solution would be to employ new encryption techniques based on non-classical information exchange, i.e. using entangled photons. We work on semiconductor materials, which can emit entangled photons on-demand and are widely used in industrial applications. In my talk, I will present the basics of semiconductor materials, introduce a handwavy explanation on our entangled photon generation and baffle you with some encrypted data transfer right here at Sapienza.

      Speaker: Julia Neuwirth
    • 18:50 19:00
      Discussion 10m