28 February 2011 to 3 March 2011
Palazzo Greppi, University of Milano, Milano, Italy
Europe/Rome timezone
You are welcome to register to the meeting


WG-2 Session 2

2 Mar 2011, 09:00
Sala Napoleonica (Palazzo Greppi, University of Milano, Milano, Italy)

Sala Napoleonica

Palazzo Greppi, University of Milano, Milano, Italy

Università degli Studi di Milano Via S. Antonio, 10 Milano


WG-2 Session 2: Pressure vessel certification and Cryomodule Design

  • Axel Matheisen (DESY)


Cryomodule design issues, pressure vessel certification

Presentation materials

There are no materials yet.
Axel Matheisen (DESY)
02/03/2011, 09:00
WG 2: Design and Fabrication of Cavities and Cryomodules
Arkadi Klebaner (FNAL)
02/03/2011, 09:20
WG 2: Design and Fabrication of Cavities and Cryomodules
Shuichi Noguchi (KEK)
02/03/2011, 09:45
WG 2: Design and Fabrication of Cavities and Cryomodules
Peter McIntosh (STFC)
02/03/2011, 10:05
WG 2: Design and Fabrication of Cavities and Cryomodules
Asiya Sukhanova (JINR), Grigori Shirkov (JINR)
02/03/2011, 10:45
Building timetable...