20–23 Nov 2022
Europe/Rome timezone

Workshop Venue Location

The Workshop will be held in Erice (TP) at the Ettore Majorana Foundation and Centre for Scientific Culture.


Four magnificent restored monasteries are now named after great scientists and strong supporters of the ‘Ettore Majorana’ Centre. The San Francesco Monastery (former Viceroy’s residence) is now the Eugene P. Wigner Institute with the ‘Enrico Fermi’ Lecture Hall. The San Domenico Monastery is now the Patrick M.S. Blackett Institute with the ‘Paul A.M. Dirac’ Lecture Hall, ‘Robert Hofstadter’ Lecture Hall and ‘John von Neumann’ Lecture Hall. The San Rocco Monastery is now the Isidor I. Rabi Institute with the ‘Richard P. Feynman’ Lecture Hall, the Directorate and the main Secretariat of the Centre. The ‘Ciclope’ is now the Victor F. Weisskopf Institute with the ‘John S. Bell’ and ‘Richard H. Dalitz’ Lecture Halls. There are living quarters in all four Institutes for people attending the Courses at the Centre.The Polo Sismico, the first worldwide Network of Seismological Detectors (1981), is located in the I.I. Rabi Institute. The ‘Paul A.M. Dirac’ Museum is situated at the Patrick M.S. Blackett Institute.