Italian Space Agency supports astrophysics and fundamental physics programs since decades. There are currently many long standing programs in orbit which keep publishing outstanding results therefore justifying the space agencie’s on orbit support. There are also future space-based missions in these fields which will study for the first time other science topics such as dark energy, GW search or bring unprecedented details in the study of strategic science fields such as the polarimetry, the violent and energetic universe and the gamma-ray sky. Balloon experiments deserve a dedicated slot because these are science-driven opportunities which can led to unprecedented results on a much faster time frame and much cheaper involvement with respect to space missions. All above relates to confirmed missions but many other projects are under investigation following the Decadal Survey on Astronomy and Astrophysics 2020 (Astro2020) and the Voyage 2025 ESA roadmaps. I will go through the main Italian contributions to some of these mission opportunities.