The observed electromagnetic spectrum of the quiet Sun extends up to hundreds of GeVs. Indeed, the Sun is a recently-known gamma-ray source also in its quiescent state. The high-energy quiescent emission is supposed to originate from interactions of Galactic cosmic rays with the solar surface and its surroundings.
We provide an overview of our current knowledge on theoretical expectations...
I will present the main recent AGILE results related to gravitational waves, neutrinos and the hunt for their electromagnetic counterparts, including some recent updates on the science of Fast Radio Burst (FRBs).
AGILE is an Italian Space Agency (ASI) space mission devoted to gamma-ray observations in the 30 MeV - 50 GeV energy range, with simultaneous X-ray imaging in the 18-60 keV band....
The Fermi Gamma-ray Space Telescope was launched into Earth orbit in June, 2008. The Large Area Telescope is the principal instrument on board of Fermi satellite, it has revealed the high energy cosmos over more than 5 decades in energy (~30 MeV - 300 GeV), across more than ten decades in time scales (100 μs to years). With more than three billions photons from the whole sky and beyond 6,000...
The contribution aims at providing full comprehension of the impact that low-energy cosmic ray measurements performed by the Limadou collaboration have on our understanding and modelling of interstellar and interplanetary media, solar physics, space weather phenomena and ionosphere-magnetosphere coupling.
The Limadou project dates back to the early 2000s, when Italian and Chinese scientists...
The search for dark matter is a leading mystery in astroparticle physics. With new detectors taking data and new technologies opening searches for a wider parameter space and theoretical models, the field is ever more sensitive to the potential of discovery. I'll provide an overview of the current state of the field, and point to anticipated advances in the next few years.